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时间:2005-12-25 00:00来源:中国探索中心 作者:保罗?库尔茨 点击:
Maywe welcome you to the Tenth World Congress of the Center for Inquiry-Transnational and its affiliated organizations. We are dedicated to “science, reason, and free inquiry” in every area field of human endeavor. 欢迎大家参加国际探索中
   May we welcome you to the Tenth World Congress of the Center for Inquiry-Transnational and its affiliated organizations. We are dedicated to “science, reason, and free inquiry” in every area field of human endeavor.
This Congress is co-sponsored by the Council for Secular Humanism (celebrating its 25th anniversary) and the International Academy of Humanism (made of 80 leading Laureates from throughout the world). It has included in its membership Sir Isaiah Berlin, Francis Crick, and John Watson (co-discovers of DNA), Lady Barbara Wooten, Sir Peter Ustinov, Andre Sahkarov, Carl Sagan, Stephen Jay Gould, and some 15 Nobel Prize winners. We are especially disturbed by the growth of anti-scientific attitudes in the world, and particularly in the United States.
本次世界大会由世俗人道主义委员会(25周年纪念)和国际人道主义学院(有全世界80位杰出人士组成)共同发起的。历届会议参加的成员中,有Sir Isaiah Berlin, Francis Crick, and John Watson(DNA的共同发现者),Lady Barbara Wooten, Sir Peter Ustinov, Andre Sahkarov, Carl Sagan, Stephen Jay Gould,以及大约15位诺贝尔奖获得者。现在,我们正受到世界反科学态度的不断增长的干扰,在美国尤其如此。因此,召开这次会议就特别有意义。
We are concerned with the resurgence of fundamentalist religion everywhere and their alliance with political-moral-ideological movements to block science. We are troubled by the continuous persistence of paranormal and occult beliefs, and the denial of the findings of scientific research. This is reinforced by the emergence in universities of “post-modernism,” which undermines the objectivity of science.
In the United States, the sudden appearance of Intelligent Design (a new name for creationism) and the insistence that it be taught along with evolution, is unfortunate. Some 20 states are considering legislation to mandate this. This is puzzling since the hypotheses and theories of evolution are central to modern science.
A case in point:
If evolutionary processes were rejected, then the development of new vaccines―such as a new bird flu virus―would make no sense, since it postulates the capacity of these viruses to survive, mutate, and reproduce by natural selection.
A recent poll by the Pew Research Center revealed that 64% of Americans favor the teaching of intelligent design or creationism in public schools.
Some 42% totally reject evolution or believe that present forms of life existed since the beginning of time.
38% would teach only creationism instead of evolutionary theory.
Only 26% agree with the predominant scientific view that life evolved by processes of natural selection without the need for divine intervention.
It is our conviction that science can only continue if it is free of censorship, yet the effort by ideological-theological forces to limit science appears in field after field, such as:
Opposition to therapeutic stem-cell research on “moral” grounds because of the postulation of the “soul” in the first division of cells in a petri dish (blastocyst)
Economic-political opposition to global warming―in spite of scientific evidence in support of it―because of its emphasis on energy conservation, or the need for car manufacturers to make smaller vehicles.
Opposition to the use of condoms on ethical-moral grounds, which interferes with preventing AIDS or programs to contain population growth. 
Science must be uncontaminated by religious intrusion in the classrooms.
Recent polls have illustrated other instances of scientific illiteracy:
20% of Americans think that the Sun revolves about the Earth
only 10% know what radiation is
less than one-third can identify DNA as a key to heredity
Also disturbing to American scientists is the fact that 59% of Chinese undergraduates receive degrees in science and engineering, 66% in Japan, whereas only 32% do so in the United States.
Graduate programs in science in the U.S. are often dominated by foreign PhDs; many graduate programs are filled with Korean, Chinese, Indian, and other fine foreign students, while American students shy away from such subjects.
In the U.S., 12th grade students scored lower than the average of 21 other countries in science and math.
We think that this portends a clear and present danger to the role of science in the U.S. In our view it is not enough to teach specific technical subjects―important as that is―but to convey to the public a general understanding of how science works.
This means some comprehension of the methods of scientific inquiry. The cultivation of critical thinking is essential not only for science but for an educated citizenry―especially if democracy is to flourish.
In addition, the public needs to understand the scientific outlook, that is, what the frontiers of scientific research tell us about the cosmos. Unfortunately, too many well-meaning people base their conceptions of the universe on ancient books―such as the Koran and the Bible―rather than going directly to the book of nature. Many prefer a literary―poetic rather than the scientific conception of nature. It is vital that the public be exposed to the perspective of physics and astronomy, of the biological sciences, and the social and behavioral sciences.
We think that this is vital given the great promises of biogenetic research and other technologies in the future. We say that we need a New Enlightenment. Science and reason can provide a bridge between cultures. We need to do what we can to transcend the ancient religious and political differences of the past and to find some common ground for the global community.
The New Enlightenment that we are calling for depends on reforms in education. But it also depends on the mass media, which panders to sensationalism. We appeal to the media to help develop the public appreciation and understanding of the sciences, by scheduling on a regular basis programs that are pro not anti-science.
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