*卷首语 无神论世界观需要培养 *本刊特稿 鲁迅名言“中国根柢全在道教”说 ---一桩必须认真对待的学术公案/邢东田 *名人专访 献身科学的一生 ---记刘东生院士/余 炜 *论坛 科学家为什么会参与迷信" />
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时间:2006-01-09 00:00来源:《科学与无神论》 作者: 点击:
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0> *卷首语 无神论世界观需要培养 *本刊特稿 鲁迅名言“中国根柢全在道教”说 ---一桩必须认真对待的学术公案/邢东田 *名人专访 献身科学的一生 ---记刘东生院士/余 炜 *论坛 科学家为什么会参与迷信




         ---记刘东生院士/余  炜

    迷信、邪教之辨析/侯  俊

         ---宋代地方官治巫刍议  / 李小红
    关于邪教信徒转化工作的几点思考  / 张  强
    何为终极关怀  / 赵光清

    从数字趋吉避凶谈到“顺从民意” / 梁  然
         ---关于数字迷信问题的思考  / 李锦全
        ---质疑“外星人”  / 陈  艰
    “118号元素失踪事件”的思考  / 黄  炜

    宣扬迷信是为了维护统治地位  / 韦  泽

    科学可以告诉过去  / 高晓颖
    没病找病  / 塞  冬
    影响食欲的因素  / 晓  婷

    我国公众的科学无神论素养现状分析及培养策略初探(上)  /  龚正华
    无神论与有神论的对话  / 赵慧琴  赵慧平

    别自己吓死自己   / 周艳琼  白  木
    “鬼节”看烧“纸”  / 张  望

    这样的大“仙”,我也能当  / 段升明   许文美
    瞑目为何复睁开?  / 冯水仪
    “生死劫难”吐真言  / 常乐文

    十五年来《周易》热 (五)  /  田  石
    母亲心中的“命”  /  张  波

    马克思主义无神论的意义和价值  / 单  纯
    基督教重心向第三世界的迁移  / 王  珍

    德国反科学现象研究协会  / 王保华
    怀疑论者:悲观主义者还是乐观主义者?  / 任事平 编译

    天津一妇女喝香灰治病殒命  / 新华社消息
    小童智戏老奶奶  / 菖  蒲
    信神疑鬼酿灾祸  / 刘建利
    愚昧迷信拆散了姻缘,害了性命  / 新  竹 摘编

    2003年国外发生的若干起邪教事件  / 文  菁 摘编


General  Issue  No:29  Contents  Number 3,2004

 1.Atheist World Outlook Needs Care to Nurture
  2.Lu Xun Once Made the Well-known Remark
“China Is Totally Rooted in Taoism”
  ---An Academic Cause Célèbre that Should Be
Dealt with Seriously  Xing Dongtian
  3.He Has Devoted His Life to Science
  ---Academician Liu Dongsheng  Yu Wei
  4.Why Scientists Might Get Involved in Superstitious Activities?     Zhong Kewen
  5.Discrimination and Analysis on Superstition and Cult  Hou Jun
  6.Superstitious Phenomenon Is by no Way the Gain of “Leading Culture”  Chen Youfang
  7.Restrain Sorcery with Reasonable Medical Practice ---My Personal Remarks on Magistrates' Efforts of Controlling Witchcraft in Song Dynast  Li Xiaohong
  8.Look into the Coming back Phenomenon of Feudal Fetishism   Tang Libiao
  21.Thoughts about Converting Work in Treating Cults Adherents  Zhang Qiang
  9.What Is the Ultimate Loving Care?  Zhao Guangqing
  10.Discussion from Good or Evil Figures to “Comply with Public Opinion      Liang Ran
  11.“Eight”(Getting Rich)Yes,“Four” (Death)No. Is It a Descendent Feeling in Psychological Way?
  ---Pondering over Blind Faith in Figures  Li Jinquan
  12.The Discussion Starts at “Fermi Antinomy”
  ---Query “Extraterrestrial”   Chen Jian
  13.Reflection on the “118th Element Missing Incident”  Huang Wei
  14.Youngmen that Are Worth Teaching  Zhao Huiyun
  15.Flaring Superstitious Sensation Lies in the Aim of Maintaining the Ruling Power  Wei Ze
  16.Guard against Conduct of Spreading Rumour by Taking Advantage of Folk Custom  Lü Fuhuan
  17.Science Can Tell Us Past   Gao Xiaoying
  18.Worry about Sound Health  Sai Dong
  19.Factors Affecting Food  Xiao Ting
  20.Primary Discussion on Chinese People's Scientific Atheism Quality and the Appropriate Strategies for Its Improvement (I)  Gong Zhenghua
  21.Dialogue Between Atheism and Theism   Zhao Huiqin   Zhao Huipin
  22.Don't Be Afraid of Your Own Shadow to Scare Your Pants off  Zhou Yanqiong   Bai Mu
  23.Observe “Underworld Money” Burning on “Ghost Festival” Zhang Wang
  24.I Can Play Such an “Immortal” Either Duan Shengming   Xu Wenmei
  25.Why the Dead's Eyes Open Again?  FengShuiyi
  26.He Told the Truth after the “Disaster” Chang Lewen
  27.Book of Changes Fashion in the Last 15 Years(5)Tian Shi
  28.The “Kismet” in Mother's Heart  Zhang Bo
  29.The Significance and Value in Marxist Atheism Dan Chun
  30.Weight of Christianity Moves toward the Third WorldWang Zhen
  31.The German Society for Para-Scientific Phenome? na Investigation  Wang Baohua
  32.Sceptics:Pessimists or Optimists? tr. & ed. by Ren Shiping
  33.A Woman from Tianjin Died of Taking Joss Stick Ashes Drink for Curing disease  Guo Jianye
  34.The Kid Kidded Smartly Chang Pu
  35.Blind Worship Brought in Disaster Liu Jianli
  36.Ignorance and Superstition Broke up a Couple and Drove One Innocent to Death  Xin Zhu
  37.Cult Incidents Happened Overseas in 2003  Wenjing

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